Legal notice

  • Visit this site collects impersonal data about visitors to this site with the aim of renewing and improving this site, in order to serve you even better. This way you obtain the most relevant material through your visit.

    Personal information

    Personal information is collected only when voluntarily provided by visitors to this site. This includes information such as name, address, telephone/fax number and email address. This data will only be used for the stated purpose (order confirmation, information about your delivery, customer satisfaction survey), unless expressly agreed otherwise with the provider of the data.

    Personal as well as impersonal data collected by is considered confidential and will not be resold, leased or otherwise shared with third parties for reasons other than those described above.

    Any material received by through this site is considered non-confidential and, unless otherwise stated, is non-proprietary. will use, reproduce, apply and assign this material without restriction, including any ideas for products or production methods and know-how contained in this information.

    Price & size information

    Naturally, careful attention is paid to the stated prices and dimensions. However, despite this care, typographical errors or outdated information may have crept into the information. therefore reserves the right to correct any errors without prior notice.

    The prices stated on this website include 21% VAT.

    European Commission platform for disputes between you and your online supplier

    The European Commission has opened a new, interactive website (the EU Online Dispute Resolution platform) in accordance with provision No 524/2013. The purpose of this website is to resolve disputes arising from online transactions between you as a consumer and your supplier.

    The platform can be found via this link: